Ca Na Xica

Carretera de Sant Miquel Km. 10,2, イビザ, スペイン
20 部屋
上品&コンテンポラリー , 隠れ宿風&プライベート


1 泊料金(税込)
If your mental picture of Ibiza doesn’t include rolling rural landscapes, consider this: the world-famous party town got its start when the first major nightclub, Amnesia, opened inside a former farmhouse on the road between two villages. Ibiza has been Mecca for European club kids since the seventies. But before that, it felt a lot like any other lovely island in the Mediterranean — and vast sections of it still do. Ca Na Xica, a boutique hotel set slightly inland in a peaceful olive grove, captures the leisurely charm that drew sophisticated travelers to the place before the club wave.

Captures it, in part, by recreating the look of a traditional finca, or farmhouse, though the building only dates from 2006. You wouldn’t guess it when you’re pulling into the place — located between the towns of San Miguel De Balansat and Santa Gertrudis, a few miles from the beach — in your rental car. For all its contemporary comforts, including a spa and restaurant, Ca Na Xica radiates old-world elegance, Spanish island-style, the villa’s white arches reflected in the still surface of the swimming pool, the aroma of orange and lemon trees in the air. Of the twenty suites, four are located in the main house, and the rest in adjacent low-lying buildings. Each is individually decorated — think warm tile, cheerful yellow walls, crisp white linens, hardwood French doors leading to private terraces where you can take a couple of hours lingering over breakfast and admiring the views. Premier Suites feature more space, wider views, and perks like Nespresso machines: handy, as you’re in the country, not in town.

Indeed, Ca Na Xica is about peace and quiet: the rowdiest is gets here is sangria by the swimming pool, and that’s just how the hotel’s repeat visitors like it. Should you desire more social stimulation, the nearby villages and beach towns offer a range of bars, cafés, and restaurants. Or stay in, so to speak, and order some charcuterie on restaurant’s terrace. You’re in Ibiza, sure, but if you want to skip the nightlife scene altogether, we won’t tell.

How to get there: Ca Na Xica is about 23 km by car from Ibiza Airport via PM-803, C-733, and PM-804.


Ca Na Xica
Carretera de Sant Miquel Km. 10,2, イビザ, スペイン



スコアは、検証済みのゲストのレビューに基づいて 20 点満点で表示されます。 品質スコアは、私たちのセレクションが常に新鮮で重要なものであることを保証するのに役立ちます。




  • WiFi(無料)
  • 駐車場(無料)
  • 近隣の駐車場
  • バー
  • オネスティ・バー
  • ルームサービス
  • レストラン
  • 屋外プール
  • スパ
  • スパトリートメント(リクエストに応じて)
  • トルコ風呂
  • サウナ
  • ビューティーサロン
  • ジャクジー
  • ヨガ
  • スチームルーム
  • ジム
  • コンシェルジュ
  • 24時間フロントデスク
  • 往診サービス
  • 隣同士の客室
  • 空調
  • ガーデン
  • バイリンガルスタッフ
  • モーニングコール
  • スーツケース預かり
  • ペット同伴不可
  • 宴会場・会議室
  • ビジネスセンター
  • 自転車レンタル
  • ワインツアー
  • ショッピングエリア(近隣)
  • パーキング
  • スイミングプール
  • シャトルサービス
  • 温泉バス


  • Ca Na Xicaは15歳以上のお客様のみ宿泊できます。
チェックイン: 14:00
チェックアウト: 12:00

