


  • Rue d'Arondeau 29, Roucourt, 7601, Belgien
  • €€€ · Französisch-modern

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  • Rue d'Arondeau 29, Roucourt, 7601, Belgien
  • €€€ · Französisch-modern

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Der Kommentar des Guide MICHELIN

Vicomté castle, part of the Arrondeau Estate, is the epitome of date-night romanticism. The wrought-iron conservatory, stylish fixtures and fittings and view over the pond are fully worthy of an Impressionist work of art. This unique setting provides the perfect foil for Quentin Gallopyn’s ode to top-drawer produce. Knife-edged precision and rich, fruity flavours set the culinary stage. He might coat delicately crispy scallops in balsamic vinegar, before adding a subtly sweet red apple and soy sauce jelly. Don’t forget to take the time to peruse the wine list of mainly French vintages, before finally heading upstairs to spend a restful night in one of the swish guestrooms.

Ausstattung und Service

  • Klimaanlage
  • Park oder Garten
  • Parkplatz

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+32 69 22 16 89

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