Stories Boutique Hotel
Kiraly str. 26., Budapest, Ungarn
Theresa Town (Terézváros)
38 Zimmer
Modernes Design und Lebhaft
At this late date we expect more from a boutique hotel than just some modernist furniture and an interesting logotype. Stories Boutique Hotel has both of those, don’t get us wrong, but it goes far beyond its local competition in demanding that its guests not only use it as the backdrop for their own story, but “make it the best fucking story you’ve ever heard.”
Easier said than done, but Stories does its part by setting a tone that’s not just elegant but decadent, even hedonistic, as well. Hyper-saturated colors, eclectic décor choices, and eye-catching original artworks ensure that it’s not just memorable but photogenic as well, and the suites are just as intense as the public spaces. Many of them have living rooms for entertaining, with the bedroom in a separate loft, while the two-bedroom presidential suite adds a jacuzzi and sauna on its third level.
Twenty-Six, the hotel’s neighborhood café, is the venue for breakfast; in lieu of other traditional hotel services, Stories offers a menu of what it calls “pleasures,” delivered in-room, which can include anything from a cocktail lesson or a massage to a personal training appointment, a haircut, or even a tattoo.
Easier said than done, but Stories does its part by setting a tone that’s not just elegant but decadent, even hedonistic, as well. Hyper-saturated colors, eclectic décor choices, and eye-catching original artworks ensure that it’s not just memorable but photogenic as well, and the suites are just as intense as the public spaces. Many of them have living rooms for entertaining, with the bedroom in a separate loft, while the two-bedroom presidential suite adds a jacuzzi and sauna on its third level.
Twenty-Six, the hotel’s neighborhood café, is the venue for breakfast; in lieu of other traditional hotel services, Stories offers a menu of what it calls “pleasures,” delivered in-room, which can include anything from a cocktail lesson or a massage to a personal training appointment, a haircut, or even a tattoo.
Stories Boutique Hotel
Kiraly str. 26., Budapest, Ungarn
Theresa Town (Terézváros)
Gästebewertung & Bewertungen
Noch keine verifizierten Aufenthalte.
Die Bewertungen basieren auf einer 20-Punkte-Skala und basieren auf verifizierten Gästebewertungen. Der Qualitätsfaktor trägt dazu bei, dass unsere Auswahl frisch und vital bleibt.
Sobald wir genügend verifizierte Bewertungen haben, um eine Qualitätswertung zu erstellen, wird sie hier angezeigt. Die Qualitätswertung trägt dazu bei, dass unsere Auswahl frisch und lebendig bleibt.
Zimmer & Raten
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Preise in EUR für 1 Nacht, 1 Gast
Preise in EUR für 1 Nacht, 1 Gast
Stay dates
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.