With just six suites, it’s as intimate as they come, and its style is too eclectic to be pinned down — equal parts detailed historic recreation and eclectic-bohemian retro collage. Common spaces include a verdant garden courtyard, a quiet rooftop terrace, and a library lounge, complete with a piano, its walls hung with artworks by Greek and international artists.
It’s a small enough hotel to make an attainable private rental, and a photogenic enough place to see use beyond lodging, from weddings to film shoots. You’re well served by the neighborhood’s restaurants — this is one of the most desirable corners of Athens, known for high-end retail as well as very fine dining and nightlife.
Gästebewertung & Bewertungen
Noch keine verifizierten Aufenthalte.
Die Bewertungen basieren auf einer 20-Punkte-Skala und basieren auf verifizierten Gästebewertungen. Der Qualitätsfaktor trägt dazu bei, dass unsere Auswahl frisch und vital bleibt.
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