Hotel Indigo - Stratford Upon Avon
IHG’s Indigo-branded hotels are allowed a very long corporate leash, after all, and while you could argue there’s a house style, or at least a common approach to color and décor, each one is highly individual. That’s certainly the case here; some of the rooms are quite a lot more contemporary than others, but you won’t find timbers like those in the attic rooms in many other boutique hotels.
Meanwhile the public spaces are free to lay on the throwback vibes a little more heavily. The Woodsman is an attractively old-fashioned space in the hotel’s historic wing, but in fact it’s notable for more than its aesthetics: its executive chef, Mike Robinson, runs the Harwood Arms, the only Michelin-starred pub in London, and owns an estate that provides wild game and boar to all of his restaurants.
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