
Vinh Hy Village, Vinh Hai Commune, Ninh Hai District, Vinh Hy Village, 越南
当代经典 和 隐密


Amanoi, the first Aman hotel in Vietnam, is a milestone for both the Aman group and the country’s high-end tourism scene. And it’s a reminder that, among other things, they know how to pick a location: to say that the Nui Chua National Park, on the shores of Vinh Hy Bay, is paradise on earth would perhaps be an exaggeration, but only a slight one — it’s a recognized UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Here, just down the coast from Nha Trang, Amanoi sits elevated on a hillside, with a commanding view of the beaches and the bay.

It’s the sort of location you might have called a diamond in the rough, were you a savvy property developer a decade or so ago; today, of course, it’s anything but rough, the Aman group having taken the trouble of polishing the resort to a high sheen. The grounds, a hundred acres of dense forest and rocky outcrops, remain in their natural state, but the construction, mixing modern architecture with indigenous design in the signature Aman style, is the last word in contemporary resort minimalism.

Not so minimal, of course, is the experience. Everything is quite literally state-of-the-art, from the intensely luxurious accommodations — some villas come with private pools, all with spa-like bathrooms and luxe open-plan bedrooms — to the facilities, including the pools, the restaurant pavilion, and the massive spa and wellness complex. If you’re here to get out and see the best of Vietnam’s central coast, they’ll happily show you the way, whether that means a day on the water or a trip to the national park; and if you’re here to be blissfully sequestered by the poolside, feasting on fresh, contemporary Vietnamese cuisine, they’ve got you covered there as well.

How to get there: Amanoi is about a 70-minute (scenic) drive from Cam Ranh Airport (CXR), which receives regular domestic flights from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Danang and direct flights from Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Seoul, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.


Vinh Hy Village, Vinh Hai Commune, Ninh Hai District, Vinh Hy Village, 越南





确保最优惠。找到更好的价格? 告诉我们。


  • 免费wifi
  • 免费停车
  • 酒吧
  • 酒窖
  • 客房服务
  • 餐厅
  • 24小时客房服务
  • 户外泳池
  • Spa
  • Spa项目(须预订)
  • 土耳其浴室
  • 桑拿
  • 美容院
  • 按摩浴池
  • 瑜伽
  • 蒸汽室
  • 礼宾服务
  • 24小时前台
  • 待命的医生
  • 可连通客房
  • 空调
  • 托儿(须预订)
  • 吸烟客房(须预订)
  • 花园
  • 多语言工作人员
  • 叫醒服务
  • 图书室
  • 休憩廊
  • 行李储存
  • 不允许携带宠物
  • 周边拥有高尔夫球场
  • 周边拥有购物商圈
  • 停車處
  • 游泳池


  • 欢迎所有年龄段的人。可以为客房添加婴儿床。
  • 提前 8 小时可安排保姆服务。费用为每小时 15 美元(至少需要预订三小时)。
  • 两个泳池均允许儿童进入。
  • 符合条件的 Plus 预订:除非另有说明,否则积分和折扣将在退房时使用当地货币。
  • 请注意:12 月 31 日必须举行盛大晚宴;除夕夜,成人每位需额外支付 700 美元,6 至 11 岁儿童每位需额外支付 350 美元。晚宴费用包含现场表演、套餐、非酒精饮料和每对夫妇一瓶香槟。不提供单点菜单。
入住时间: 15:00
退房时间: 12:00



  • 使用节能照明
  • 使用环保产品进行清洁
  • 储存环保型洗发水和香皂
  • 让客人可以选择重复使用床单和毛巾
  • 不使用一次性塑料吸管
  • 不使用一次性塑料洗漱用品
  • 不使用一次性塑料
  • 在酒店内种植有机或水培产品
  • 产品来自于当地的农场
  • 用当地的农产品制作季节性的菜单
  • 提供純素食菜单选择
  • 堆肥食物废物
  • 减少食物浪费
  • 从本地拥有的企业购买产品
  • 在当地招聘,提供公平的工资、福利和晋升机会
  • 积极支持当地社区的需求
  • 对员工进行可持续性最佳做法的培训
  • 对工作人员进行当地文化遗产的培训
  • 为客人和工作人员提供志愿者机会
  • 恢复和保护自然生态系统和野生动物