Rancho Pacifico

1 Rancho Pacifico Road, Uvita de Osa, 哥斯达黎加
当代经典 和 隐密


There’s precisely one stressful thing about Rancho Pacifico, and that’s the two-mile drive, 2,000 vertical feet up a mountainside, from the little town of Uvita on Costa Rica’s southern coast. For the Indiana Jones types who insist on driving themselves, the hotel offers a set of directions that begins with the phrase “Just after the highway ends” and concludes with remarkably specific advice regarding which gears to engage and when.

The payoff? 250 private mountainside acres of virgin rainforest with an embarrassment of ocean views, flora, fauna and pristine waterfalls, all shared by a maximum of twenty guests. It turns out that 2,000 feet is a goldilocks zone in this part of the world — high enough above sea level to make for pleasantly cool, mosquito-free nights, but not so high that you’re in the dripping-wet cloud forest. This means you can frequently leave the windows open and the AC off, listening instead to the sound of a nearby waterfall and monkeys hopping through the canopy.

Here on the little-developed Costa Ballena you might expect the lodgings to stay fairly rustic, but — well, you see where this is going: private gardens and decks standard in every room, oversized showers (some of them outdoors), natural stone countertops and bamboo curtains, tasteful contemporary furnishings, original art, a spa with a tree-top treatment area and spring-fed soaking pools. While space, privacy, and views are abundant throughout, the Romantica and Treehaus Hideaway villas bear special mention. The former, at 1,250 square feet, includes jungle spring–fed showers for two, a private infinity pool, and a full kitchen and bar, while the Treehaus villas, complete with outdoor Jacuzzis and hammocks on their private decks, are built into the jungle canopy, twenty feet above their own three-acre gardens.

If you can muster the energy, there are miles of private trails leading, for example, to waterfall-fed swimming holes, or to the cloud forest above, where rainbows are about as abundant as the bromeliads — that is, very abundant. Or head toward the water to explore any number of secluded beaches by foot or on horseback, to take a surf lesson, or to travel by boat in search of dolphins and whales. Then again, perched at just the right height on the mountainside, from the privacy of your deck, you may decide there’s plenty to see without going anywhere.

Please note: The hotel only allows guests over the age of 18.

How to get there: Rancho Pacifico is located 20 miles (45 min) from the Quepos Airport. Transfers can be arranged for US$85 for up to 4 guests, one way.



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Rancho Pacifico
1 Rancho Pacifico Road, Uvita de Osa, 哥斯达黎加


  • 免费wifi
  • 免费停车
  • 代客泊车服务
  • 酒吧
  • 客房服务
  • 餐厅
  • 户外泳池
  • Spa
  • Spa项目(须预订)
  • 按摩浴池
  • 瑜伽
  • 健身房
  • 100%无烟酒店
  • 礼宾服务
  • 待命的医生
  • 空调
  • 花园
  • 多语言工作人员
  • 叫醒服务
  • 休憩廊
  • 行李储存
  • 不允许携带宠物
  • 停車處
  • 游泳池
  • 摆渡车服务
  • 仅限成年人


  • 预订时,将从您的信用卡中扣除预订金额的25%。您的预订余额将在您预定抵达日期前 30 天收取。
  • 为方便起见,提供免费自助服务和代客泊车服务。
  • 符合条件的 Plus 预订:除非另有说明,否则积分和折扣将在退房时使用当地货币。积分仅用于支付杂费,如果不使用,积分将被没收。
入住时间: 15:00
退房时间: 12:00



  • 使用可再生能源
  • 使用节能的加热和冷却
  • 使用节能照明
  • 储存环保型洗发水和香皂
  • 让客人可以选择重复使用床单和毛巾
  • 不使用一次性塑料吸管
  • 不使用一次性塑料洗漱用品
  • 不使用一次性塑料
  • 在酒店内种植有机或水培产品
  • 产品来自于当地的农场
  • 用当地的农产品制作季节性的菜单
  • 提供純素食菜单选择
  • 堆肥食物废物
  • 减少食物浪费
  • 从本地拥有的企业购买产品
  • 在当地招聘,提供公平的工资、福利和晋升机会
  • 积极支持当地社区的需求
  • 对员工进行可持续性最佳做法的培训
  • 对工作人员进行当地文化遗产的培训
  • 为客人和工作人员提供志愿者机会
  • 恢复和保护自然生态系统和野生动物