Il Battistero Siena - Residenza d'Epoca

Piazza San Giovanni 12-13, 锡耶纳, 意大利
City Center
当代经典 和 安静


Just off Siena’s Piazza del Campo, and literally straight across the road from the gorgeous Gothic building that is the Baptistery of San Giovanni, is a beautiful little boutique hotel that goes by the name of Il Battisterio Siena - Residenza d’Epoca. The “little” part is apparent simply from the fact that it comprises just seven suites. And the “beautiful” bit you’ll simply have to take on the evidence presented in the photos — or from the fact that a balanced mixture of contemporary Italian furnishings, heritage antiques, and historical architecture, in the hands of a capable designer, are a typically winning combination.

Period architectural details like rough-hewn exposed beams provide the historical atmosphere, while the design style, for the most part, sticks to the low-key, neutral-toned minimalism that’s become something of a modern Italian trademark. An exception is the throwback-style Papa Alessandro VII suite, a pair of interconnecting bedrooms named for a 17th-century resident who went on to become Pope — auspicious footsteps to follow in, to say the least. There’s an impressive wine cellar, and a bistro right out front serves breakfast, lunch, aperitifs, and dinner — and the rest of the city center is right at your feet.



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Il Battistero Siena - Residenza d'Epoca
Piazza San Giovanni 12-13, 锡耶纳, 意大利
City Center


  • 免费wifi
  • 代客泊车服务
  • 酒吧
  • 酒窖
  • 客房服务
  • 餐厅
  • 100%无烟酒店
  • 礼宾服务
  • 可连通客房
  • 空调
  • ATM/银行服务
  • 店外健身设施
  • 多语言工作人员
  • 行李储存
  • 欢迎携带宠物
  • 允许携带宠物(收费)
  • 周边拥有高尔夫球场
  • 周边拥有品酒之旅
  • 周边拥有购物商圈
  • 婴儿床(视情况而定)
  • 停車處


  • 入住时间为美国东部标准时间下午 2 点至晚上 8 点,因为酒店接待处在晚上 8 点后关闭。
  • 允许携带宠物。
入住时间: 14:00
退房时间: 10:30

