Villa Lena Agriturismo

Strada Comunale di Toiano, 42, Palaia, 意大利
当代经典 和 充满活力


On the face of it, Villa Lena might be easy enough to overlook — what’s another villa hotel in Tuscany, a region that’s not exactly facing a dire shortage of them? The difference, as in so many areas of creative life, lies in just how seriously Villa Lena’s proprietors take their task. This isn’t just a beautifully preserved villa, serving fine wine and fine food — though it’s certainly that. It’s also a full-on agriturismo, where dogs forage for white truffles, and something of an artist’s colony, where writers, musicians, designers, and artists of all stripes congregate under the umbrella of the villa’s non-profit arts foundation.

Safe to say that if you’re just looking for a place to lay your head, you have no idea what’s waiting for you. The villa itself actually houses the foundation, the events spaces, and the farm-to-table restaurant, while the apartments occupy a number of outlying buildings, for a bit more privacy and a village-like atmosphere. They’re stylish, partly minimalist, partly traditional, and perfectly comfortable, in their low-key residential way.

Needless to say, the living here is easy, and the food is nothing short of extraordinary. The chefs are on hand to share their expertise, and the same goes for your other creative neighbors, who might just be the key to Villa Lena’s appeal — the visiting artists give talks, exhibit work, give studio tours, and generally sing for their supper in lieu of paying a nightly rate. And the ultimate beneficiary, it turns out, is you.

Booking Details: Villa Lena Agriturismo requires additional information from guests to ensure the best stay possible. As such, reservations can only be confirmed through our customer service team. Contact us for assistance. Rates begin at 390 EUR per night.



评分采用 20 分制,来自经过验证的客人评论。 质量得分有助于确保我们的选择保持新鲜和活力。


这家酒店仅在提出要求後提供价格和空房資訊。 请联系客户服务。


Villa Lena Agriturismo
Strada Comunale di Toiano, 42, Palaia, 意大利


  • 免费wifi
  • 免费停车
  • 露天车位
  • 酒吧
  • 餐厅
  • 户外泳池(季节性开放)
  • 瑜伽
  • 可连通客房
  • 空调
  • 托儿(须预订)
  • 娱乐室
  • 花园
  • 多语言工作人员
  • 木炭火炉
  • 图书室
  • 休憩廊
  • 行李储存
  • 欢迎携带宠物
  • 允许携带宠物(收费)
  • 可提供自行车
  • 周边拥有高尔夫球场
  • 周边拥有品酒之旅
  • 电动车充电站
  • 婴儿床(视情况而定)
  • 停車處
  • 游泳池
  • 指定的吸烟区


  • 入住时间为下午 3 点至下午 6 点。如果您计划晚点抵达,请提前安排。如果您有任何饮食限制或过敏,请提前 24 小时告知前台。
  • 符合条件的 Plus 预订:在您办理入住手续后,迎宾礼品可能会送到您的房间。“请勿打扰” 状态可能会影响这些便利设施的交付。
入住时间: 15:00
退房时间: 11:00



  • Green Key by FEE (Foundation for Environmental Eductation), Eco-label
  • 使用可再生能源
  • 使用节能的加热和冷却
  • 使用节能照明
  • 使用环保产品进行清洁
  • 储存环保型洗发水和香皂
  • 让客人可以选择重复使用床单和毛巾
  • 不使用一次性塑料吸管
  • 不使用一次性塑料洗漱用品
  • 不使用一次性塑料
  • 为电动汽车提供充电服务
  • 在酒店内种植有机或水培产品
  • 产品来自于当地的农场
  • 用当地的农产品制作季节性的菜单
  • 提供純素食菜单选择
  • 堆肥食物废物
  • 减少食物浪费
  • 从本地拥有的企业购买产品
  • 对员工进行可持续性最佳做法的培训
  • 对工作人员进行当地文化遗产的培训
  • 为客人和工作人员提供志愿者机会
  • 恢复和保护自然生态系统和野生动物
  • 测量并减少水的浪费
  • 测量和减少碳排放
