Jamaica Inn

PO Box 1, Main Street, 奥乔里奥斯, 牙买加
当代经典 和 安静


Decades ago Jamaica was a high-class affair, with pronounced British overtones; Noël Coward and Ian Fleming lived here, and Winston Churchill and TS Eliot were known to visit. Parts of Jamaica have since moved on, and taken on a decidedly less stylish approach to anything-goes relaxation — which makes Jamaica Inn all the more remarkable for the way it balances its exceedingly casual atmosphere with a certain classic elegance.

It may as well still be the Fifties here, and that's a good thing; this is a traditional and slightly retro resort, an homage to classic resort hospitality. Guest rooms are smart and well-groomed, but never stuffy or old-fashioned, and a look at the guestbook will confirm that while the resort may be a bit of a throwback, the clientele isn't — the current guests are quite a bit younger than Churchill, and they're a globally diverse lot.

The retro atmosphere may be down to the fact that it's a family operation — the owners run the hotel with the kind of love that is sorely lacking in Jamaica's bigger, louder resorts. Rooms lack televisions, as well as alarm clocks, for that matter. Spa treatments are a perennial favorite, and the calm Caribbean is a primary draw, offering everything from kayaking and snorkeling to deep-sea fishing expeditions. It's as calm as you want it to be, but if it's activity you're after, there's seemingly nothing your concierge can't arrange. And in the evening the entertainment comes to you, with live reggae under the stars most nights till around eleven — eleven, not coincidentally, being the moment you start to seriously consider living in Jamaica full-time.

Please note: During the summer season, children 10 and older are welcome at the hotel.

How to get there: The hotel is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes drive from Montego Bay airport; the cost by hotel car is $135 USD for 2 each way.



评分采用 20 分制,来自经过验证的客人评论。 质量得分有助于确保我们的选择保持新鲜和活力。


确保最优惠。找到更好的价格? 告诉我们。


Jamaica Inn
PO Box 1, Main Street, 奥乔里奥斯, 牙买加


  • 免费wifi
  • 免费停车
  • 露天车位
  • 酒吧
  • 客房服务
  • 餐厅
  • 户外泳池
  • Spa
  • Spa项目(须预订)
  • 桑拿
  • 美容院
  • 瑜伽
  • 健身房
  • 100%无烟酒店
  • 礼宾服务
  • 24小时前台
  • 待命的医生
  • 可连通客房
  • 空调
  • ATM/银行服务
  • 花园
  • 叫醒服务
  • 图书室
  • 休憩廊
  • 行李储存
  • 不允许携带宠物
  • 商务中心
  • 周边拥有高尔夫球场
  • 周边拥有购物商圈
  • 电动车充电站
  • 停車處
  • 游泳池
  • 海滨
  • 无障碍通道
  • 摆渡车服务
  • 指定的吸烟区


  • Jamaica Inn 的着装要求是休闲优雅的。晚上 7 点之后,男士必须在主酒吧和用餐区穿有领衬衫和长裤。不允许穿人字拖。
  • 符合条件的 Plus 预订:在您办理入住手续后,迎宾礼品可能会送到您的房间。“请勿打扰” 状态可能会影响这些便利设施的交付。
  • 符合条件的 Plus 预订:除非另有说明,否则积分和折扣将在退房时使用当地货币。
入住时间: 15:00
退房时间: 12:00



  • 使用可再生能源
  • 使用节能的加热和冷却
  • 使用节能照明
  • 使用环保产品进行清洁
  • 储存环保型洗发水和香皂
  • 让客人可以选择重复使用床单和毛巾
  • 不使用一次性塑料吸管
  • 为电动汽车提供充电服务
  • 在酒店内种植有机或水培产品
  • 产品来自于当地的农场
  • 用当地的农产品制作季节性的菜单
  • 提供純素食菜单选择
  • 堆肥食物废物
  • 减少食物浪费
  • 葡萄酒来自有机和生物动力葡萄园
  • 从本地拥有的企业购买产品
  • 在当地招聘,提供公平的工资、福利和晋升机会
  • 积极支持当地社区的需求
  • 对员工进行可持续性最佳做法的培训
  • 为客人和工作人员提供志愿者机会
  • 恢复和保护自然生态系统和野生动物
  • 测量并减少水的浪费
  • 测量和减少碳排放