W Retreat & Spa Maldives

North Ari Atoll, Fesdu Island, 马尔代夫
现代设计 和 安静


Everybody knows the W hotels as the chain that took the concept of the “design boutique” mainstream, with a series of stylish properties, mostly in American cities, attracting a design-savvy, upwardly mobile sort of crowd. So it’s a bit of a surprise to find that big white W cropping up in the Maldives, of all places — the Maldives have been about over-the-top luxury, while the W hotels have been a bit more accessible.

Here in the Maldives you’ll find that the W can do over-the-top too. In proper Maldives style the experience begins at the Malé airport’s W lounge, where guests are bundled onto a seaplane for the last leg to the resort’s private island. Once there it’s on to the villas, either the bi-level Beach Oasis, set just a yard or two from the sand, or the Ocean Oasis, out on stilts above the waters of the lagoon. All come with city conveniences like 42” televisions and high-speed internet, as well as Maldives-only touches like private plunge pools and transparent glass floors.

Everything’s impeccably designed, as you’d expect, as chic as any other W and quite a bit more luxurious. A private-island getaway in the Maldives would be nothing without a dive center (check) or a full-service spa, and this one doesn’t disappoint; treatments are administered on overwater platforms, open to the breeze, shaded by tent-like Teflon roofs. And unlike some of the old guard Maldives resorts, this W is about nightlife too, with a nightclub that’s thoughtfully set 15 feet underground, so as not to disturb the island’s idyllic calm.


W Retreat & Spa Maldives
North Ari Atoll, Fesdu Island, 马尔代夫





确保最优惠。找到更好的价格? 告诉我们。


  • 健身房
  • 礼宾服务
  • 待命的医生
  • 空调
  • 可提供自行车
  • 电动车充电站
  • 婴儿床(视情况而定)
  • 海滨
  • 无障碍通道
  • 摆渡车服务
  • 指定的吸烟区


  • 如果预订客房数超过9间,住宿方将采用不同的政策和额外补充规定 。
  • 住宿方于客房提供WiFi(免费)。
  • 不设停车设施。
  • 不允许携带宠物入住。
  • 允许任何年龄的儿童入住
  • 2岁(含)以下的儿童使用婴儿床入住的价格为免费。
  • 3岁(含)以下的儿童使用现有床铺入住的价格为免费。
  • 4岁以上至11岁的儿童使用现有床铺入住的价格为每人每晚US$98。
  • 12岁以上至17岁的儿童使用现有床铺入住的价格为每人每晚US$195.90。
  • 4岁以上至11岁的儿童使用加床入住的价格为每人每晚US$98。
  • 12岁(含)以上的客人使用加床入住的价格为每人每晚US$195.90。
  • 所提出的任何加床或婴儿床的要求均需获得酒店的确认。
  • 附加费用不会自动计算在总价中,您需在入住时另行支付。
入住时间: 14:00
退房时间: 12:00
