
The Scotsman

20 North Bridge, Edinburgh, UK
当代经典 和 充满活力


This red sandstone building was once home to the offices of the Scotsman newspaper (hence the name). The location, on North Bridge, is a (very) short walk from Waverley Railway Station, Princes Street, and the Royal Mile. From the exterior, this is quite obviously a historic location. Inside, the sense of history is still evident in such touches as the authentic Scottish estate tweeds that decorate the guest rooms. But the design, even in some of the more retro-themed spaces, is anything but stuffy.

What the Scotsman hotels are becoming known for, though, is first-class charm, hospitality, and service. Like its Parisian sister hotel, La Tremoille, the Scotsman features one certain convenience that we can't wait to mention: The Hatch. Never again will guests be forced to actually open their doors to receive room service, or laundry, or freshly shined shoes. The Hatch is a cross between a dumbwaiter (one that does not actually traverse floors, but passes from corridor to room) and the slot in the cell door through which prisoners' meals are delivered.

The result is utter privacy — one could conceivably lounge in one's bathrobe for the duration of the stay, enjoying the built-in Edinburgh Monopoly game (this, we assure you, is no joke), carving pistols from bars of soap and rattling one's tin cup against the bars of the cell door (metaphorically speaking, of course). All this while receiving 24-hour room service anonymously through The Hatch.

But to do so would be a shame, for one would miss out on certain of the hotel's amenities which are too large to pass through a compartment into the guest room. Take, for example, the traditional drawing-room-styled bar, or the breakfast room with replica Versailles chandeliers.

Essentially, the Scotsman is about bringing the luxury escape hotel and the modern business traveler's hotel together under one roof. And in this it succeeds. Neither a drafty old castle nor a trendy nightspot, this hotel, and in fact the Scotsman family, is a solid luxury experience with personality - unique, charming, and historical.


The Scotsman
20 North Bridge, Edinburgh, UK



评分采用 20 分制,来自经过验证的客人评论。 质量得分有助于确保我们的选择保持新鲜和活力。


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  • 免费wifi
  • 自主停车(收费)
  • 酒吧
  • 客房服务
  • 餐厅
  • 100%无烟酒店
  • 礼宾服务
  • 24小时前台
  • 可连通客房
  • 空调
  • 行李储存
  • 周边拥有高尔夫球场
  • 婴儿床(视情况而定)
  • 停車處


  • 如果预订客房数超过5间,住宿方将采用不同的政策和额外补充规定 。
  • 住宿方于各处提供WiFi(免费)。
  • 不设停车设施。
  • 不允许携带宠物入住。
  • 允许任何年龄的儿童入住
  • 2岁(含)以下的儿童使用婴儿床入住的价格为免费。
  • 12岁(含)以下的儿童使用现有床铺入住的价格为每人每晚£45。
  • 12岁(含)以下的儿童使用加床入住的价格为每人每晚£45。
  • 您尚未添加任何加床。
  • 所提出的任何加床或婴儿床的要求均需获得酒店的确认。
  • 附加费用不会自动计算在总价中,您需在入住时另行支付。
入住时间: 14:00
退房时间: 11:00

