Palacio Nazarenas, A Belmond Hotel, Cusco

Plazoleta Nazarenas 223, 库斯科, 祕鲁
传统优雅 和 安静


In two of its former lives, before being painstakingly restored and remodeled as a hotel by the Belmond group, Cusco’s Palacio Nazarenas was a convent and a palace. Convents and palaces don’t generally have the same aspirations, but odd as it sounds, the hotel manages to feel like both — as timeless and tranquil as a spiritual retreat, yet relentlessly cushy in its every detail.

Take this one, for example: to combat the effects of Cusco’s high altitude, upon eagerly obliged request, the hotel will pump oxygen into your room through the air conditioning system. It’s a little thing, but it’s indicative of the care that goes into making guests here feel comfortable. You sense it, too, in the under-floor heating warming the Peruvian marble bathrooms, in the iPad preloaded with a Cusco city guide, and in the ease with which you fall asleep behind soundproofed walls and blackout curtains. Even the modestly named Chica Junior Suites are anything but an afterthought. In addition to what’s already been mentioned, they come with intricately carved antique furniture, a separate bathtub and shower, on-call butler service, fresh flowers and plenty of space. The rooms get larger and views of the surrounding area better in the Suites (no modifier), the Grand Suites, and the Master Suites, the last of which has original carved ceilings and views of Nazarenas Square from its corner terrace.

The public areas are lessons in attention to detail, too. Take the guest lounge; housed in the building’s former chapel, it contains an interesting collection artifacts found during the restoration of the building. Over at the spa, opt for a treatment room with glass floors so that you can admire the ancient Inca walls beneath the building. Treatments, which use local ingredients like pink Andean salt, purple corn, avocado and coffee might put you in mind of a meal. The hotel’s poolside, candle-lit restaurant serves modern Peruvian cuisine utilizing herbs and edible flowers grown on the property. Given the level of care that goes into the guest experience here, they probably breed stinger-free bees to pollinate them.

How to get there:
The Belmond Palacio Nazarenas is located 5 km (15 min) from the Cusco Airport. Transfers are available for US$27 for 1 guest, US$32 for 2 guests, US$39 for 3 guests and US$52 for 4 guests, one way.





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Palacio Nazarenas, A Belmond Hotel, Cusco
Plazoleta Nazarenas 223, 库斯科, 祕鲁


  • 免费wifi
  • 酒吧
  • 客房服务
  • 餐厅
  • 24小时客房服务
  • 户外泳池
  • Spa
  • Spa项目(须预订)
  • 瑜伽
  • 蒸汽室
  • 100%无烟酒店
  • 礼宾服务
  • 24小时前台
  • 待命的医生
  • 可连通客房
  • 空调
  • 花园
  • 叫醒服务
  • 图书室
  • 休憩廊
  • 行李储存
  • 欢迎携带宠物
  • 允许携带宠物(收费)
  • 商务中心
  • 周边拥有购物商圈
  • 婴儿床(视情况而定)
  • 游泳池
  • 无障碍通道


  • 酒店仅向秘鲁公民征收18%的增值税。前往秘鲁的外国游客在办理登机手续时出示有效的护照和秘鲁移民卡,可免缴该国18%的客房和食物费用销售税。酒店发票必须以客人的姓名开具,而不是公司名称。
  • 如果与父母共用现有床铺,则可免费容纳一名 7 岁或以下的儿童。8 岁及以上儿童可加床,每位儿童每晚收费 77 美元。
  • 根据关于父母一方或双方陪同的未成年人入境的新规定,必须携带未成年人的护照或身份证。还要求在酒店出示出生证或出生证明,以及随行父母的护照或身份证。
入住时间: 14:00
退房时间: 12:00



  • 使用节能的加热和冷却
  • 使用环保产品进行清洁
  • 不使用一次性塑料吸管
  • 在酒店内种植有机或水培产品
  • 产品来自于当地的农场
  • 用当地的农产品制作季节性的菜单
  • 提供純素食菜单选择
  • 葡萄酒来自有机和生物动力葡萄园
  • 从本地拥有的企业购买产品
  • 在当地招聘,提供公平的工资、福利和晋升机会
  • 积极支持当地社区的需求
  • 对员工进行可持续性最佳做法的培训
  • 对工作人员进行当地文化遗产的培训
  • 为客人和工作人员提供志愿者机会
  • 测量并减少水的浪费