Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena

Cra 3 # 31-23, Centro Plaza de Santa Teresa, 卡塔赫纳, 哥伦比亚
当代经典 和 充满活力


Monasteries and convents make great hotels. For while their ultimate purposes — one otherworldly, the other earthly — could scarcely be more at odds, in terms of day-to-day operation they’re actually quite similar. Both require a room with a bit of peace and quiet, a setting that inspires contemplation, and some places to gather, whether in worship or simply over a meal. Cartagena’s Santa Teresa has followed more or less this exact formula from its seventeenth-century founding to the present day, in its incarnation as the Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena.

The rooms are contemporary in style, if somewhat conservatively so, and there’s a decided focus on physical comfort, with 600-thread linens and marble-clad baths. The Santa Teresa is a luxury hotel through and through, and the architecture of the colonial and 20th-century wings only adds to the hotel’s personality. The city itself, of course, isn’t exactly short of personality either, and the old-town location doesn’t hurt the Santa Teresa’s case one bit — whether your room faces out to sea or back over the town, there isn’t a bad view in the house. The best view, though, takes in 360 degrees: it’s the dramatic, atmospheric rooftop pool that’s the Santa Teresa’s ace in the hole.

How to get there:
Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena is located 1.5km (10-15 min) from the Cartagena Airport. Transfers can be organized for approximately USD20 for up to 3 guests, USD35 for 4-7 guests in a van, or USD42 for up to 2 guests in a Cadillac SUV, all prices per segment.



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Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena
Cra 3 # 31-23, Centro Plaza de Santa Teresa, 卡塔赫纳, 哥伦比亚


  • 免费wifi
  • 酒吧
  • 客房服务
  • 餐厅
  • 24小时客房服务
  • 户外泳池
  • Spa
  • Spa项目(须预订)
  • 美容院
  • 按摩浴池
  • 蒸汽室
  • 健身房
  • 100%无烟酒店
  • 礼宾服务
  • 24小时前台
  • 待命的医生
  • 可连通客房
  • 空调
  • 多语言工作人员
  • 叫醒服务
  • 顶楼露台酒吧
  • 行李储存
  • 不允许携带宠物
  • 会议室
  • 可提供自行车
  • 周边拥有高尔夫球场
  • 周边拥有购物商圈
  • 婴儿床(视情况而定)
  • 游泳池
  • 无障碍通道
  • 摆渡车服务
  • 指定的吸烟区


  • 哥伦比亚公民在结账时将额外收取19%的增值税。该税不适用于外国旅客。
  • 符合条件的 Plus 预订:除非另有说明,否则积分和折扣将在退房时使用当地货币。
入住时间: 15:00
退房时间: 12:00
