

Mashino Ken

2F, 1-3-6 Awajimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0047, Japon
¥¥¥ · Cuisine chinoise
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Mashino Ken

2F, 1-3-6 Awajimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0047, Japon
¥¥¥ · Cuisine chinoise
The cuisine of Hong Kong touched off a journey of exploration into the depth and richness of Chinese cooking. The chef studied each region’s history and culture to plumb the origins of each. His passion shines as he explains the roots of each cuisine, referring to his own experiences and the menu in Cantonese. Peking duck as standard fare ensures he never forgets where he came from. Patient work making miso and rolling dough drive his zeal for constant improvement.


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