

  • 347 Giommachi Kitagawa, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0073, Japon
  • ¥¥¥ · Spécialités de bœuf

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  • 347 Giommachi Kitagawa, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0073, Japon
  • ¥¥¥ · Spécialités de bœuf

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L'avis du Guide MICHELIN

Yassan is a meat kappo of long renown. The shop is busy night after night, filling up as soon as the shop curtain is posted outside. Staff use German as a sort of code, calling tongue ‘Zunge’, heart ‘Herz’, stomach ‘Magen’ and so on. The practice began at a time when many of its regulars were German physicians. ‘Yassan’ is an affectionate contraction of the restaurant’s original owner-chef’s name, ‘Yasuo-san’. Calabashes hang from the rafters around the counter, recalling that Yasuo-san liked sake in these gourds.

Equipements et services

  • Espèces uniquement
  • Repas au comptoir


Informations pratiques

+81 75-541-9666

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