
Ryo Kawashima

  • 333-2 Nushiyacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-0843, Japon
  • ¥¥¥ · Cuisine japonaise
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Ryo Kawashima

  • 333-2 Nushiyacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-0843, Japon
  • ¥¥¥ · Cuisine japonaise

L'avis du Guide MICHELIN

As the stage for his culinary performances, Ryo Kawashima refurbished an old row house. Envisaging his eatery as an intimate gathering with a host and guests, he laid it out with no boundary between counter seating and kitchen. Drawing of dashi stock and arrangement of foodstuffs are done directly in front of customers, by Kawashima alone. His concept is to trust intuition while constantly inventing and improving. The restaurant’s name means (roughly) ‘food’ and is homonymous with Kawashima’s given name: Ryo no ryori, ‘Ryo’s cooking’.

Equipements et services

  • Air conditionné
  • Repas au comptoir

Cartes bancaires acceptées


Informations pratiques

+81 75-888-8613

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