Chen Kentaro pursues the proud legacy of the first Szechwan Restaurant (“Shisen Hanten”) founded in Yokohama in 1958 by his Szechwan born grand-father, Chef Chen Kenmin, regarded as the “Father of Szechwan cuisine in Japan” and a highly successful Chinese entrepreneur in Japan. Chen Kentaro’s father, Chen Kenichi, born from a Japanese mother and following the footsteps of his pioneering father, expanded the family business with several restaurants in Japanese cities, incorporating fresh new ideas into the menu offerings. He has been acclaimed as one of the most celebrated “Iron Chefs”, from the cult Japanese TV show, where he fought and won multiple cooking challenges.
Seats will be allocated at the organisers’ discretion and events may be subject to change without prior notice.
All charges are in US Dollars. All transactions are subject to charges, conversions and fees imposed by your card issuing bank. The local currency rate indicated is accurate at the time of publishing.
Upon confirmation of your order for Tickets, no refund on Tickets will be made under any circumstances. Diners under the age of 18 years old are prohibited from attending the event. Dress Code: Smart Casual

About the chef:
As the third generation chef, Chen Kentaro learnt from his dad from a young age, picking-up the passion to bring Szechwan cuisine to Japanese audiences, and becoming himself a rising star in the Japan’s culinary scene where he appears on numerous TV shows. Chen Kantaro went back to his roots working for a while in Szechwan, and then pioneered the expansion outside of Japan with the opening of Shisen Hanten at the Mandarin Orchard Singapore in 2014. His mastery of Szechwan cuisine was promptly rewarded with 2 Michelin stars bestowed in 2016 upon Shisen Hanten, making it the highest Michelin-rated Chinese restaurant in Singapore.

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