
La Fiermontina Ocean

Nr 260 Houmat Eljediane Centre Sahel, Larache, Maroc
18 Chambres
Élégance traditionnelle et Retiré
TTC / nuit

L'avis du Guide MICHELIN

Following the success of La Fiermontina, a gem of a boutique hotel in the Puglian city of Lecce, the owners opened a second hotel in Paris. La Fiermontina Ocean, on Morocco’s northern shore, is the third addition to the collection. Like the original, it has an elegant, worldly air inspired by the short but romantic life of Antonio Fiermonte, a painter and musician who modeled at Villa Medici, regularly attended Parisian salons, and traveled extensively in Morocco. And like its Italian counterpart, La Fiermontina Ocean is in an off-the-beaten-path place with few luxury hotels — it’s tucked away in a natural park near the fishing port of Larache, which is about an hour’s drive from Tangier.

The hotel’s remote location, hugging a sloping hillside overlooking the ocean, is a major part of its appeal, and its low-lying stone buildings, surrounded by windswept sand dunes and scenic olive trees, make the most of the landscape. Part of the complex overlaps with the rural village of Dchier, and guests can choose to stay there in traditional houses built according to ancestral techniques — vaulted ceilings, woven rugs, small antique windows — or in more contemporary lodgings closer to reception. Pool suites are outfitted in all-natural materials and hues, with cool stone flooring and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking private gardens and infinity pools. Larger pool villas also have spacious kitchens and dedicated staff.

In the village, the hotel’s gorgeous hammam offers traditional treatments, and back on the main property, a restaurant serves Italian and Moroccan cuisine with a view. A short shuttle ride or a 20-minute stroll down the hill leads to the beach club, where it’s all too easy to while away the day sipping mint tea or cocktails in a white-canopied cabana.

Notes et avis clients

Aucun séjour vérifié pour le moment.

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Chambres et tarifs

Réservez directement sur le Guide MICHELIN. Nos spécialistes du voyage sont à votre écoute et prêts à vous aider.
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La Fiermontina Ocean
Nr 260 Houmat Eljediane Centre Sahel, Larache, Maroc

Equipements et services

  • Wi-fi gratuit
  • Stationnement gratuit
  • Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Yoga
  • Climatisation
  • Jardin
  • Personnel polyglotte
  • Animaux de compagnie admis
  • Animaux de compagnie admis (frais supplémentaires)
  • Parking

A savoir

  • Children over 8 are welcome.
  • Pets are allowed. Charges may apply.
Heure d'arrivée : 15:30
Heure de départ : 11:00

Cartes bancaires acceptées

Mesures et certifications de durabilité

Nous demandons à chaque hôtel de notre sélection comment ils travaillent pour avoir un impact positif sur la planète et dans leur communauté. Cet hôtel a confirmé la mise en place des mesures suivantes.
Chambres et Communs
  • Utilisation d'énergies renouvelables
  • Utilisation de produits de nettoyage écologiques
  • Shampooings et savons écologiques
  • Produits issus de productions locales
  • Carte de saison aux produits locaux
Communauté et Environnement
  • Formation du personnel aux meilleures pratiques durables
  • Formation du personnel à l'histoire culturelle locale