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The Roxbury at Stratton Falls

48 County Highway 41, Catskills & Hudson Valley, USA
15 Zimmer
Modernes Design und Lebhaft
For a while it was safe to say the Roxbury Motel was the only Catskills hotel with quite so whimsical and over-the top a design sense. But that was before its proprietors got their hands on the mansion that would become the Roxbury at Stratton Falls. It’s every bit the equal of its TV- and movie-obsessed sister hotel — the rooms in the mansion each go all in on a single theme, from a re-creation of the blacksmith’s shop that once stood on this site to the Mill of the Frozen Falls, an ice-white fantasia fit for a Disney princess.

It doesn’t end there. To the historic mansion they’ve added a row of cottages that are straight out of a fairy tale, and whose interiors somehow take things up even one more notch: the Superhero Incognito looks like something straight out of a mid-century comic book, while the Terrazza of the Titans was inspired by cinematic depictions of Greek myths. In some hands, a place like this could be, frankly, a bit much — what makes this Roxbury (as well as its sister) so lovable is the sheer joyfulness of its atmosphere and design.

And the most surprising part of the property might just be a feature that was provided by nature: Stratton Falls itself is the idyllic waterfall that inspired the hotel’s fairy-tale aesthetic, and it’s accessible via a newly constructed trail system, which starts more or less right outside your front door.

Booking Details: The Roxbury at Stratton Falls requires additional information from guests to ensure the best stay possible. As such, reservations can only be confirmed through our customer service team. Contact us for assistance. This hotel generally has limited weekend availability. Rates begin at 114 USD per night.


The Roxbury at Stratton Falls
48 County Highway 41, Catskills & Hudson Valley, USA

Gästebewertung & Bewertungen

Noch keine verifizierten Aufenthalte.

Die Bewertungen basieren auf einer 20-Punkte-Skala und basieren auf verifizierten Gästebewertungen. Der Qualitätsfaktor trägt dazu bei, dass unsere Auswahl frisch und vital bleibt.

Sobald wir genügend verifizierte Bewertungen haben, um eine Qualitätswertung zu erstellen, wird sie hier angezeigt. Die Qualitätswertung trägt dazu bei, dass unsere Auswahl frisch und lebendig bleibt.

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Preise in CHF für 1 Nacht, 1 Gast
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30 Jun - 1 Jul
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Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.
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