Bailiffscourt Hotel & Spa
Climping Street, West Sussex, UK
39 Habitaciones
Elegancia tradicional y Tranquilo
A mock-medieval mansion, built today, might come off a bit déclassé; a mock-medieval mansion built in the Thirties, however, has had time to accumulate a history all its own. Architecturally, it helps that it was built from salvaged medieval-era stones and beams. And in terms of atmosphere, it certainly doesn’t hurt that Bailiffscourt Hotel & Spa has played host to England’s brightest stars, from its beginning as a private house through its transition into a luxury hotel — not to mention the fact that it continues to do so, right up to the present day.
A few of the rooms are decorated in a contemporary style, and the spa is totally modern — but those exceptions aside, Bailiffscourt is entirely a period piece. Rooms and suites are divided between the original Medieval House and a number of outlying cottages and coach houses, and they’re all different, the best of the bunch being Baylies, with its vaulted ceiling and four-poster bed. The restaurant is likewise something of a throwback, at least in terms of style and service — what’s on the plate, in contrast, is the latest in modern English.
All this misty atmosphere means it’s probably better suited for romance than anything else. Here on the West Sussex coast you’re close enough to London for convenience’s sake, yet far enough to feel you’ve made a proper escape. The beach at Climping is close by, and the hotel is set on thirty acres of private parkland, complete with an old Norman chapel that sees a fair bit of wedding custom, if you’re in the market for that sort of thing.
A few of the rooms are decorated in a contemporary style, and the spa is totally modern — but those exceptions aside, Bailiffscourt is entirely a period piece. Rooms and suites are divided between the original Medieval House and a number of outlying cottages and coach houses, and they’re all different, the best of the bunch being Baylies, with its vaulted ceiling and four-poster bed. The restaurant is likewise something of a throwback, at least in terms of style and service — what’s on the plate, in contrast, is the latest in modern English.
All this misty atmosphere means it’s probably better suited for romance than anything else. Here on the West Sussex coast you’re close enough to London for convenience’s sake, yet far enough to feel you’ve made a proper escape. The beach at Climping is close by, and the hotel is set on thirty acres of private parkland, complete with an old Norman chapel that sees a fair bit of wedding custom, if you’re in the market for that sort of thing.
Bailiffscourt Hotel & Spa
Climping Street, West Sussex, UK
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Tarifas en USD para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Tarifas en USD para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Stay dates
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Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.