The Killarney Park
Town Centre, Killarney, Irlanda
67 Habitaciones
Diseño moderno y Animado
Una Llave MICHELIN · Una estancia especial
Please note: The hotel is currently closed for renovations and plans to re-open by end of April 2025.
The park in question is the Killarney National Park, some of the wildest land that remains in Ireland. And the Killarney Park is worthy of the name — a family-owned luxury hotel in the Killarney town center, home to 67 elegant rooms and suites as well as a modern spa, a health and fitness club with an indoor pool, and a quartet of restaurants and bars, ranging from the casual Terrace and the traditional Garden Bar to The Peregrine, a stylish upscale restaurant devoted to local Kerry products.
The park in question is the Killarney National Park, some of the wildest land that remains in Ireland. And the Killarney Park is worthy of the name — a family-owned luxury hotel in the Killarney town center, home to 67 elegant rooms and suites as well as a modern spa, a health and fitness club with an indoor pool, and a quartet of restaurants and bars, ranging from the casual Terrace and the traditional Garden Bar to The Peregrine, a stylish upscale restaurant devoted to local Kerry products.
The Killarney Park
Town Centre, Killarney, Irlanda
Puntuación y Reseñas de los Huéspedes
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Habitaciones y tarifas
Reserva directamente en la Guía MICHELIN. Nuestros especialistas en viajes están de guardia y listos para ayudar. Los mejores precios garantizados. ¿Encontraste una tarifa mejor? Háznoslo saber.
Tarifas en USD para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Tarifas en USD para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Stay dates
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.