Little Palm Island Resort & Spa
This four-acre island is home to a mere 30 suites, and a couple of rules — no guests under 18, no audible cell phones — serve to keep the atmosphere properly tranquil. The suites themselves are divided among a number of thatched-roof bungalows, some more secluded than others, but all more than private enough. The look is thoroughly classic, in the British West Indies mode, while the comforts are delightfully low-tech — indoor and outdoor showers, outdoor copper tubs, and no televisions anywhere.
Given the scale there’s no need for more than one restaurant; the Dining Room handles everything, though a private dinner anywhere on the island is not out of the question. In fact, Little Palm Island is the sort of place where exceptions are the norm — at this level, the greatest luxury is a staff that’s willing and able to find a way.
Puntuación y Reseñas de los Huéspedes
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