Little Palm Island Resort & Spa

28500 Overseas Highway, Florida Keys, Estados Unidos
Little Torch Key
30 Habitaciones
Elegancia tradicional y Aislado
Tres Llaves MICHELIN · Una estancia única
The most distinctive feature of the Florida Keys might be the Overseas Highway, the stretch of U.S. Route 1 that makes the trip from Miami to Key West into a routine car trip. But Little Palm Island is anything but routine. Guests arrive at the relatively ordinary Little Torch Key and transfer to a yacht named for Harry Truman for the final hop to an island that was one of the former president’s favorite haunts, and is now the only private island resort in North America: Little Palm Island.

This four-acre island is home to a mere 30 suites, and a couple of rules — no guests under 18, no audible cell phones — serve to keep the atmosphere properly tranquil. The suites themselves are divided among a number of thatched-roof bungalows, some more secluded than others, but all more than private enough. The look is thoroughly classic, in the British West Indies mode, while the comforts are delightfully low-tech — indoor and outdoor showers, outdoor copper tubs, and no televisions anywhere.

Given the scale there’s no need for more than one restaurant; the Dining Room handles everything, though a private dinner anywhere on the island is not out of the question. In fact, Little Palm Island is the sort of place where exceptions are the norm — at this level, the greatest luxury is a staff that’s willing and able to find a way.


Little Palm Island Resort & Spa
28500 Overseas Highway, Florida Keys, Estados Unidos
Little Torch Key

Puntuación y Reseñas de los Huéspedes

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Habitaciones y tarifas

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Tarifas en USD para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Stay dates
0 night
30 Jun - 1 Jul
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.
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