Dining In


Dining In 2 minutes

A beginner's guide to foraging in Singapore

Foraging may sound like an impossible task in concrete jungle Singapore, but edible plants are still wildly available if you know where to look, says urban farming specialist Cynthea Lam

Dining In 2 minutes

4 tips for making better dumplings

We take you through a brief history of this delicious Chinese culinary tradition, and share 4 practical tips for making your dumplings infinitely more delectable

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Essential online shops for farm-to-table produce in Singapore

These four new e-commerce start-ups will deliver ingredients straight from the farms directly to your kitchen table.

Dining In 1 minute

Recipe: Verbena Tea Catalan Cream

Nothing says "Mummy, I love you" like homemade dessert.

Dining In 3 minutes

Recipe: Baked cheese tarts

Queueing not quite your thing?
Stay in and create your own take on these trendy gooey-centred pastries

Dining In 2 minutes

#HotRightNow: Salted egg yolks

5 things you should know about Singapore’s trendiest ingredient