
Kyoryori Aun

  • 1-33-6 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0063, Japon
  • ¥¥¥ · Cuisine japonaise
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Kyoryori Aun

  • 1-33-6 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0063, Japon
  • ¥¥¥ · Cuisine japonaise

Seasonal menus are supported by dashi broth drawn from ripened Rishiri kombu. Chef Eiji Onoyama uses dashi in everything, from appetizers to the final takikomi-gohan, rice seasoned with various ingredients. sashimi dishes are prepared in a jellied dashi broth style. They may be complemented with ume or nori seaweed, depending on the type of fish. Egg-yolk soy sauce is the secret ingredient that brings out the umami in tuna sushi. While the soup and takiawase add inflection, the focus is on the power of dashi broth to accentuate the flavour of the ingredients.

Equipements et services

  • Air conditionné
  • Repas au comptoir

Cartes bancaires acceptées


Informations pratiques

+81 50-3628-6763

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