

  • St Mellion, PL12 6RL, Reino Unido
  • £££ · Moderna

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  • St Mellion, PL12 6RL, Reino Unido
  • £££ · Moderna

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Opinión de la Guía MICHELIN

Una Estrella : una cocina de gran nivel

Chef-owner Dan Cox realised that to cook the best, he needed to first grow the best, so he spent five years establishing the 120 acre farm on which this beautifully restored barn is set. This is the epitome of ‘field to fork’, with the farm – which is run on regenerative principles – delivering much of the produce, and the rest sourced from similarly minded local suppliers. The cooking is assured and original, with dishes delivering wonderfully pure flavours.

Gastronomía y sostenibilidad

Estrella verde MICHELIN

"Crocadon is first and foremost an organic farm. The focus is on building a full-circle system to feed into our restaurant, brewery and shop. Our intention is to go beyond zero waste, with all organic matter being returned to the farm or used in some way to feed our produce in the coming seasons."

— Dan Cox

Instalaciones y servicios

  • Acceso para personas con movilidad reducida
  • Parking
  • Terraza

Tarjetas de crédito aceptadas



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