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My Signature Dish: Heston Blumenthal’s Triple-cooked Chips

Fluffy on the inside and shatteringly crisp on the outside, Blumenthal’s recipe for perfect French fries is one of his proudest legacies.

People 5 minutes

Chef Spotlight: Alain Passard Is One Cook With Two Lives

Almost 20 years ago, French chef Alain Passard of three-Michelin-starred L’Arpège took a risk by taking all meat dishes off his menu, pioneering a new wave of plant-based cuisine.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Red Mushrooms From China’s Wuyi Mountains

This rare red fungus foraged in the deep mountains is also known as the Oriental truffle.

Dining In 2 minutes

5 Things To Know About The Humble Cassava

Bet you didn’t know your tapioca chips and bubble tea pearls are made from a poisonous native Brazilian root vegetable.